Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Weirdest Sales Tip EVER

In the world Christmas in Mexico selling and relationships with clients there are many logical steps, strategies and processes to increase your bottom line.

However, I bet I have one that you have NEVER heard of.

As someone who considers herself a gourmet chef ( amateur gourmet chef!) I absolutely lovvvvvvvvvvvvve cooking for people.

In my spare moments Songahtqjolgk you'll find me with my nose buried in an ancient and Twiggy Joy of Cooking recipe book or one of the latest from the bookstore. (I am a HUGE fan of Nigella Lawson!)

There is something about whipping eggs, chopping carrots and creating a masterpiece that relaxes me (or is it the red wine?) Ha.

I take great pride in having a table set that is a feast for your eyes as well as your palate.

So What Does Cooking Have To Do With Selling - Ms. Martha Diva?

Well I have a personal rule when I accept a client.

In my mind they have to pass a very important FILTER before I will work with them.

What is it?

Whether I invite them or not - in my mind they have to be worthy of a...

"Meal Prepared By Kim"

Now I have hundreds of clients so it isn't physically possible to invite everyone! However, I still run them through my "Mental Guest List" to see if they would be Pavlova worthy.

The 6 Qualities Of A Perfect Diva Dinner Guest:

1. Fakes Need Not Apply. I am a BAN the PLASTIC MARGARINE and go for the BUTTER kind of girl! So if someone comes across as a fake to me - then sorry. You're not invited.

2. Lots of ZEST. I lovvvvve lemon and when a potential client has loads of zest and passion for their business then consider yourself a firm candidate for a potential Diva Dinner.

3. No McShortcuts. If a potential client wants the MAGIC PILL without doing the work then I know they won't pass the Mental Guest List!

4. Fresh Ideas Abound. I love working with people who are excited about their business and all of the aspects that are involved. Stale bread doesn't interest me unless it's a breadcrumb.

5. Loves Trying New Things. Oh boy - this is a BIG ONE. As I am an experimental "chef" in sales and in life - you had better be prepared for trying new things. If that scares you then stick with Kraft Dinner.

6. Appreciation. Just as a the best guest is someone who comes with an appetite, loves to eat really good food and moans with joy through-out the meal - I only work with clients who absolutely savor the experience with me and who want more!

I Diva Dare you to use these filters for your own "Mental Guest List" .

You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you will know if someone is "Meal Worthy" or not.

It works. Trust the Galloping Gourmet Sales Diva.

Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides savvy, sassy sales training for women small biz owners and entrepreneurs. Kim works with clients internationally, Tinker Toys them The Sales Diva secrets to success! Sign up for her saucy and smart FREE e-zine and receive her FREE Bonus Report The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make at target="_new"">