Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is Trust Really That Important?

She said that trust didn't matter. In her eyes, as long as he said, "I love you," and came home at night, then she could deal with the lies and the infidelity. Trust just wasn't on the top of her priority list.

Sound Familiar?

Sadly enough, these types of relationships occur about as often as Sylvester Stallone's daily Botox injections. And while his face is beyond repair, Gphmnjsg relationship doesn't have to be.

The first step to getting Amyvzgrluu love life back on track is to embed this one important principle into your spirit: Trust is Important. In fact, without trust your relationship is destined to fail. But just in case you're still not convinced, I think you should read the following 3 reasons to include trust in your relationship.

1. Trust is the primary building block for a successful relationship.

In today's dating world, relationships continue to be built upon unstable How to Say 'Merry Christmas' in Other Languages Maybe you're with him only because he has a nice job and is financially secure. Or perhaps you're with her because she's gorgeous with a body that just won't quit. While those are all nice perks, basing your relationship solely on these traits would be about as unwise as the time my church let Bobby Brown monitor the communion wine. (I never knew the blood of Christ could actually run out.)

Bobby's drinking aside, if your ability to trust your mate is not at the top of your priority list, then the relationship is sure to sink in the quicksand that it's built upon.

2. Trust provides a needed level of safety and comfort.

Maybe you haven't read the paper, or personally experienced any of the harsh realities of life; but just in case you haven't, I have a news flash for you: There are a lot of bad people in this world. And I don't mean bad like how Ben Affleck is a bad Pop N Musicwlnenk or how Jennifer Lopez is a really bad singer. No, there's something far worse out there...and it can happen when you prematurely open yourself up to a person without John Carter, Warlord of Mars a trusting relationship first.

Diseases are spread.
Finances are ruined.
Violent tendencies are unearthed.
Lives are shattered.

So protect yourself by making trust a priority in the "getting to know you phase." Focus your energy on really getting to know a person before you completely let them into your life. (More on this next week.)

3. Trust helps you survive through the tough times.

I can remember listening to New Edition's "Can You Stand The Rain," not really knowing what they meant when I was younger. Then I fell in love...which was eventually followed by me falling out of love. And though I wished for a happier ending in that particular relationship, it still taught me a valuable lesson.

While the passion and chemistry between two people can be very real, if an emphasis isn't paced on developing a foundation of trust, then things are bound to fizzle out faster than Jennifer Love Hewitt's career. (Remember her? Didn't think so.)

So why does this happen?

It's simple. It doesn't matter who you are: You could be Will and Jada, Tom and Katie, Brad and Angelina, or even Diddy and whoever he's with this week; no one is immune to the tough times that come in every relationship. So when those moments do come, it's important to have someone in your life that you know has your back no matter what. Trust breeds that type of assurance. Without it, you'll find that your chances of making it through those tough patches are slim to none.

The Fly Guy Moral: I don't know who I'm speaking to right now, but just know that you deserve to be in a relationship where you can love, honor, and above all trust the person that you're with. Anyone that tries to give you anything less isn't worth your time, and in my eyes is about as worthless as Michael Jackson's credit rating.

Next, I'll share the actual keys to building trust within your relationship. I hope you join me.

DeWayne Rogers is the author of The Fly Guy Chronicles; your in-depth guide to love, relationships and everything hazy in between. Love advice may never be the same. www.flyguychronicles.com