Saturday, May 3, 2008

machine Game Addiction - Fantasy or Reality?

Although most online gamers know the clear definition between reality and fantasy, Frankenstein comic has been a startling increase in number of revelations about addictions to machine games.

Players of popular online games such as Second life and World of Warcraft are well to the fore, with stories of child neglect while parents play on-line games, and children leaping to their deaths acting out World of Warcraft stunts.

It is clearly evident that people are Operation game taking this virtual world much too seriously, with addiction and compulsion the tragic results. Land of the Lost are conditioned to this world with the initial offer of free games. Christmas pages to color they grow and mature, they are enticed into the "pay as you go" games which for some become an obsession. Schoolwork is often one of the first things to suffer, and interest in food and family relationships may wane.

The terms "virtual" and "real" rage, were discussed by Psychiatrist Jerald Block in his study of Columbine killers Klebold and Harris, noting their obsession with the online game Doom.

It is also interesting to note, that The American Medical Association's Council on Science and Public has requested that obsessive behavior in respect of online gaming be classified as a psychiatric disorder. Not surprisingly, machine game industry members have rejected this suggestion.

The AMA have also stated that long term video game players can be more aggressive, suffer attention disorders, and generally have more difficulty with schoolwork. Parents are now being encouraged to be on the lookout for signs of addiction, which can include carpal tunnel syndrome, aches in neck or back, problems with sleeping, dry eyes, and poor personal hygiene and nutrition.

And as parents, for so long we thought that it was just the alcohol, or meth amphetamine addictions of which we had to be aware!

Antony Wilton has taken his crusade against machine game addiction to a new website. See why so many find his comments addictive Game Addiction

God, Ancient Greece - In 350 BCE, Socrates, Aristotle, & Alexander Believed in Heaven

Socrates was an ugly little man who walked in rags through the Monkees of Athens in his later years. But in his youth, during the height of the Golden Age of Greece he had performed with great bravery at three great battles against the ever present army and navy of Persia. As he aged, limping and infirm, he was not fit for any further service to Athens and was allowed to ramble and talk to groups of people.

And who can refuse an old man his times of rambling and talking to his neighbors, and then to others who hear of his wise series of questions and answers that he brought you conclude about you own needs or actions. His purity of mind allowed thoughts of Speed Racer and ways to improve the human condition and how we all must search our own soul and moral code before causing another a harm. This is often heard from an old warrior, but none spoke with such searching clarity into the essence of a question. What was the seeker seeking, really?

At first it was as the old warriors around the village water hole in their older days, reflecting on what had New York Lemon Laws right and what had gone wrong in all their battles, defeats, retreats, returns with victories. What had it all been for? That would be Socrates. Others, as today, would shout all the platitudes of the day, defending what ever decisions, however apparently harmful, the present administration was taking. This little civilization on a was surrounded by ignorance or power, and all citizens of Greece needed to be on their alert. As at Gettysburg two thousand years later, the fate of democracy could some times hang by threads.

Socrates made the leaders of ancient Greece jealous and was forced to die. The immediate response was that the people of Athens arose as one and hounded those Governing 30 out of Athens: death, rejection, forever out of any inner council of wiser gentler Athens. This was the Athens Alexander arrived in, and took note. Heroic to a fault, he saw his chance for immortality, I think, and I have seen no published thoughts on this motivation behind Alexander electing with his life to go for it! No guts no glory, his inspiration would affect other people after his death, as with Socrates. He must be good, he might as well be Great.

It seems that Alexander, unlike most of us, had plenty example how life could end quickly, and unless that dying man had done good or evil in his life made a difference on how he could die, and expect to go to a better life with God, as Socrates told Aristotle, and as Aristotle told Alexander, and his horse told me.

Derek Dashwood notices the ancient past has so many lessons for us today. It really is about people and how they respond to the situations they find themselves facing, and how well prepared they are to effect change, and accept their fate. Socrates died quietly and told Aristotle, who told his pupil Alexander, that he was going to a better life. Alexander almost died in the desert in Egypt seeking a Wise Holy Man : they blessed each other. 350 years before Christ, men Believed.

TARGET="_BLANK"">Rare Religious Books .

TARGET="_BLANK"">Egyption Historic Antiques .

TARGET="_BLANK"">Greek Thoughts and Antiques .

Derek Dashwood