Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How To Buy A Bargain House At Auction - Part 2


When it comes Chocolate buying at auction its all about research, research, research! Its both extensive and time consuming and that's even before you bid on Car insurance price quote property, so buying at auction is no simple ride you will need to carry out a high level of due diligence. that should also include getting a survey done on the property before hand if you Andy Warhol serious about the property and if you car insurance cover end up getting the property you want it could be 300 odd wasted.

Prior to the day of auction you should request the legal pack of the property you wish to bid on, the legal pack should contain: any conditions of sale, title deeds, applicable planning permission as well as copies of searches and leases, sellers can often not include all the details so if anything is missing be suspicious and consult with your solicitor, that is a tactic sometimes used to conceal details. To much analysis gives paralysis but not enough will get you a dead duck.

On the day of the auction

Check that the properties you are interested in is still available and weather any special conditions has been placed on any sales. On the day of the auction the legal pack is made available to view but don't rely on that as it has a tendency to go missing for long periods of time another tactic sometimes utilized across the auction houses. If the reserve is not met as explained area you should approach a member of the auction staff and make an offer.

Getting the elusive bargain

A bargain is usually considered to be in the region of 20% below market value and around 1 in 20 can be found, so if you have done your homework you could find that 1.Usually you will find that you stand a good chance if you target 5 properties, you will therefore have a good chance of finding that bargain and having at least one successful bid on the day, once again it all comes down to the numbers!

Auctioneer Tricks

Yes they do still go on and yes they are legal, never the less you don't want to get caught out by the auctioneers tricks so do yourself a favour and stand at the back of the room. From there you will have a good look at North Carolina Lemon Laws exactly is going on. Examples of these tricks include an 'imaginary bidder' watch carefully when bidding, and you may also come across a 'plant', anyone put there by the auctioneer or seller, just to help the bidding along.


Well there you have it, when attending the auction simply follow the above steps which include:

Auction properties are sold as seen so dig deep and do some detailed research.

Decide what the property is worth to you, set your maximum bid and whatever you do stick to it, don't get caught up in the heat of the bid.

Get your finances in order and ready for when you get your bid accepted on that gem of a bargain!

For more informative information contact the experts at www.propertyflaunt.comwww.propertyflaunt.com who can assist you in all your property pursuits.